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Eva Kulas (Afelskie) had an infectious smile and a caregiver’s heart. After selling insurance for many years in Killaloe, she retired and spent her time giving back to her community.

She was a proud supporter of local healthcare, and was one of the original members of the MV Hospice Palliative Care Board. She served as an Honourary Chair of the Giving Wings to Hospice Campaign, which helped bring a two-bed hospice to the Madawaska Valley. 

Eva’s journey eventually led her to Miramichi Lodge in Pembroke, where she passed at the age of 85 years on February 10, 2023. Her daughter, Patricia Hazelton, said it was important to Eva to leave a lasting legacy on local healthcare by including a gift in her will to the St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation.

“Over the years, living in the area, the hospital and the services offered were never taken for granted by Eva,” Patricia explained. “Having a facility of such high quality, she considered it a blessing.”

Creating a gift in your will for local healthcare is the simplest way to create a legacy of everlasting care. Legacy gifts provide vital, stable support for the work of our healthcare teams and whether your estate is large or small, you can make a difference for so many patients and families in our communities and provide quality care for years to come.

For more information, visit www.sfvhfoundation.com or call 613-756-3045 ext. 217.

Eva Kulas
Eva Kulas