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Your Dollars At Work!

Thanks to donors like you, we were able to purchase a number of items for our healthcare partners in the 2022/2023 fiscal year.

<b>Baby Isolette</b><br />For St. Francis Memorial Hospital
<b>Stretchers</b><br />For St. Francis Memorial Hospital
For St. Francis Memorial Hospital
<b>Work Station on Wheels</b><br />For St. Francis Memorial Hospital
<b>Wheelchairs</b><br />For Valley Manor Long Term Care Home
<b>Broda Chairs</b><br />For Valley Manor Long Term Care Home
<b>Slings</b><br />For Valley Manor Long Term Care Home
<b>Lifts</b><br />For Valley Manor Long Term Care Home
<b>Mattresses</b><br />For Valley Manor Long Term Care Home
<b>Comfort chair</b><br />For Madawaska Valle Hospice Palliative Care
<b>Walkers</b><br />For Madawaska Valle Hospice Palliative Care
<b>Loan Cupboard</b><br />For Madawaska Valle Hospice Palliative Care
<b>Volunteer training</b><br />For Madawaska Valle Hospice Palliative Care